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Dry Eye Tech

Without the proper equipment, Dry Eye can easily go undiagnosed and continue to cause discomfort and damage the eye’s surface. In our facility, specialty-trained optometrists have the latest technology at their fingertips to diagnose and treat Dry Eye. This computer-assisted equipment helps us quickly and easily diagnose and assess your ocular health to find the best treatment plan for your eyes.

Below are a few of our featured items:


Dry Eye Disease is often caused when your eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears you do create are not at a high quality. Using the Tearlab device, our optometrists can measure the saltiness of your tears, also known as osmolarity. As your tears become saltier, the surface of your eyes have a greater risk of becoming damaged. To measure the osmolarity, we will collect a small amount of tear fluid and test the salt levels.


An innovative imaging tool, LipiView is used to diagnose Dry Eye and assess eyes as treatment continues. This evaluation will measure the lipid layer of your tears along with blink rates and your meibomian glands which produce your tears. From this digital assessment, our optometrists will develop a custom treatment plan for your eyes.


A quick and reliable imaging device, the Keratograph evaluates each eye in 60 seconds and provides immediate results while being non-invasive. The tests check the quality of your tear film, eye redness, and the effectiveness of your meibomian glands. In combination with our other diagnosis equipment, our optometrists will use the measurements to create a treatment plan.


LipiFlow is a procedure designed to treat blocked meibomian glands and increase the lipid layer in tears. It works by applying directed energy to the eyelid near the affected glands, with precisely targeted warmth from the back of the eyelid and slight pressure from the front. This treatment, performed right in our office, can unblock glands, interrupt physical deterioration and, in most cases, provide symptom relief.